Front end engineering
For front-end Engineering functions we operate two seats of PentaLogix's CAMMASTER computer aided manufacturing software. Our front-end process covers design rule checking, data manipulation and generation of NC drill and test files.
We also have in-house facilities for photo-plotting and film processing.
Drill shop
The drill shop consists of Lenz and Vero drilling and routing machines with Sieb & Meyer controllers. NC data is transferred via specialist DNC software.
In addition we have multi way “V” scoring facilities.
Wet shop
The wet shop consists of automated horizontal and vertical lines for chemical processing, plating and conductor finishing processes.
We operate statistical process control to ensure that our chemistry is correctly controlled and operating within specified parameters.
Dry film
The dry film department operates with three Cirgraphics exposure units, one with glass to glass and the remainder with mylar and soft vacuum options.
Layer registration is achieved with the use of a Cirgraphics punch and specifically engineered alignment targets created during front end engineering.
Exposed panel processing is performed by a twin chamber conveyorised developing line.
Flying probe testing
Our preferred method for solder mask application is silk screened photo-imageable resist. This printing method produces capacity and quality requirements and provides the flexibility to meet all customer colour preferences.
Test & inspection
We have facilities for flying probe testing of small batch double sided SMT boards or for larger batches we have a bed of nails test system. Test data is produced via our probe-master software and any detected test failures are analysed using dedicated verification software.
All PCB’s are 100% inspected at both intermediate and final inspection stages against information produced at the front-end engineering stage.
All PCB’s are anti-static shrink wrapped prior to despatch.